Cheryl and her family came into Loaves and Fishes in a whirlwind. Arriving without her minor son, we were afraid we would have to relocate them to a program for adults only. To our relief, the son finally came!!
Cheryl and her daughter, Monica, lost their jobs due to COVID and faced many challenges that were negatively impacting the family. Monica was harboring extensive trauma, and her brother, William, was attending school sporadically due to the travel distance and lack of transportation. The LF team was up for the challenge.
We first enrolled William in a closer school district which he now attends regularly. Monica was having trouble expressing her feelings. We connected her to our Art Therapist, who encouraged her to attend classes twice a week, and she did!! Monica flourished in art therapy and found her voice through poetry that she regularly shares with our team members. Giving her an outlet changed her overall demeanor. She and her mother were able to connect, creating a team in their housing journey.
When moving day arrived, there were tears of sadness and joy. Tears in her eyes, Cheryl told us, “I never though I would be sad leaving a shelter.” She had made so many friends and truly felt like a member of our “family.” When she arrived at her home, a triumphant “I DID IT” was shouted by Cheryl through tears of happiness. Her family was healing, safe, and in their own place. We are proud of her and her children and wish them joy and happiness.