Food Pantry Guidelines
Appointment Times
Monday – Friday 12:30 pm -2:30 pm
(Times may vary due to weather or unforeseen circumstances. Time changes will be posted at the time of registration)
** Please note that appointment/registration times are firm; those who arrive more than 30 minutes past their appointment time will not be accepted.
Eligibility Requirements
To receive services, potential food pantry clients must meet the U.S. Federal Poverty guidelines (federal poverty level) at 100%. Proof of household income must be provided at the time of registration and at our yearly income verification.
Household income is determined using the income of all adults utilizing the same address as their primary place of residence.
New Client Registration
New client registration is by appointment only. Potential clients will need to bring the following items at the time of their appointment. These documents must be present at the time of registration to receive services.
- Photo ID
- Proof of household income for all adults 19 and over. Proof of income can be provided using the following items:
- Most recent year tax return form
- Current pay check stub
- Social security/disability award letter
- Unemployment award letter and/or proof of loss of income (termination letter)
- A food stamp (SNAP) budget summary page that states zero income.
- An adult that is not working due to enrollment in school will need to bring proof of enrollment.
- Proof of veterans’ status (if applicable)
- A completed registration form (available in the office and online: www.loavesandfishes-stl.org)
- Birth certificate(s) or social security card(s) for each child in the household.
- Due to the demand for services; clients who repeatedly miss their registration appointment will not be allowed to enroll in the program.
Utilization of Services
- Clients may utilize food pantry services once every two weeks.
- Services are provided; one (1) per household.
- Services are rendered by appointment only.
- Appointment times are specific to each client and may not be exchanged or swapped with another client.
- You may only have 2 standing appointments.
- A photo ID will need to be presented at every appointment.
- Clients must be present to receive services.
- Due to the demand for services; clients who repeatedly miss their appointment will not be able to continue with our program.
- Clients will not be provided services if they arrive more than 30 minutes past their appointment time. You will be given the opportunity to reschedule.
Seasonal Programs
Loaves and Fishes offers seasonal programs to our food pantry clients at Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Services are rendered by appointment only.
- Seasonal Programs have limited space and require pre-registration before the event.
- Each client will receive a “special” appointment card that is separate from their regular food pantry time. Appointment card and times may not be transferred, swapped or exchanged with other clients.
- Clients will not be provided services if they arrive more than 30 minutes past their “special” appointment time.
- “Special” appointments will only be distributed to those who have met their yearly income verification requirement.
Code of Conduct
Loaves and Fishes for St. Louis, Inc. provides services to over 1000 families per year. Policy and Procedures are in place to protect clients, staff, our community and to ensure the proper running and food pantry distribution. It is our goal to make sure that everyone is treated with respect and dignity while providing effective services that are easily and efficiently provided to our clients. We ask that all clients adhere to the following rules.
- No disorderly or threatening behavior towards the food pantry staff, other clients or surrounding community will be tolerated.
- No drugs, alcohol or anyone under the influence will be allowed on Loaves and Fishes property. Persons suspected of being under the influence, disorderly or threatening will be asked to leave and may be prohibited from returning to the food pantry in the future. If they refuse to leave, the police will be called immediately.
- Clients may only park in designated parking spaces. Do not block or impede other vehicles from leaving or entering the parking lot. Clients who refuse to move their vehicles may be asked to leave without services rendered. (Parking on the side street is limited. Please make sure to follow all posted parking signs to avoid a traffic ticket. Park at your own risk)
- There will be no pushing or shoving at the “bread tables” or “donation tables”. Clients who shove or cause chaos at these tables will be asked to leave and may not be able to return to Loaves and Fishes.
- Please do not arrive more than 15 minutes before your appointment time. Do not loiter.
- Failure to follow and obey these rules will result in the loss of privilege to utilize Loaves and Fishes food pantry.
If you have any questions or concerns, you may call the office at 314-291-3857 or email us.